9 Sun | 10 Mon | 11 Tue | 12 Wed | 13 Thu | 14 Fri | 15 Sat |
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Creating a Better Summer Experience: A DEI Workshop for REU Directors and Faculty Mentors
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Creating a Better Summer Experience: A DEI Workshop for REU Directors and Faculty Mentors
May 9 all-day
Research experiences for undergraduates have become ubiquitous in mathematics and participation in such programs is used as a tool to measure graduate school readiness by many graduate programs. Yet many...
APPLICATION DEADLINE: The Dr. Sylvia T. Bozeman Predoctoral Fellowship
APPLICATION DEADLINE: The Dr. Sylvia T. Bozeman Predoctoral Fellowship
May 15 all-day
“The founders of the website ‘Mathematically Gifted and Black’ have collected funds to support predoctoral students. This fellowship is named in honor of Dr. Sylvia T. Bozeman, a champion and...